Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Shining for a season
A distraction to myself
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Holy family
It was another example to me of how we don't choose the events of our lives. The only true choice we have is how we will respond to what life has given us. This family in front of me is a representation of holy family. None will be rejected, all will have a place in the family.
Our love isn't perfect. We all get tired. We don't respond perfectly. And somehow we can limp through life making the best of situations. We choose to stay. We can choose to respond. We can choose to help bear each other's burdens. Most importantly we can choose to love. And when we do others are enriched.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Guide me oh thou greatest Google
On our way to Mexico in October we were trying to find a Sonic drive-in restaurant. I consulted my Google maps application to guide us to the desired destination. I located one that was on our route. We were looking for the exit when someone said "there's a Sonic!" The one they found wasn't the one I had identified and this one wasn't listed on my map.
There is a real temptation for me to put my faith in technology to guide me, but it falls short. It could go down at any time, it depends on electricity. Technology is wonderful to use, it makes my life richer, but it will never save me. Never.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Loving a newborn
When God wants to communicate his love in a tangible way he sends a baby. Everyone can approach an infant. Everyone. Mary and Joseph didn't have to say to every visitor "don't be afraid". Almost every other time God reaches out to human beings, the first words out of the mouth of a heavenly messenger is "Don't be afraid". That was the experience of the shepherds being told by the angels of the amazing birth. In dealing with a newborn, the only thing that I fear is that I could injure an infant in its frailty with my overpowering strength. Well that and spit up.
For me, the meaning of Christmas is that God is saying "let me try this another way so you don't cower whenever I fry to tell you how much I love you." "Let me try this another way so I don't have to warn people not to be afraid to be approached". God shows us through our holding an infant how he restrains his own power to destroy us in our frailty with his overwhelmimg power.
An infant who is also God, gives me the courage to approach God and hear his words of love by approaching and loving the little frail infant.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Butchering Britten
Kudos to the choir director for being adventurous and pushing his choir to their limit, but there is reaching and there is overstepping and they overstepped.
Yet not knowing the mind of God, I can't assess it as a failure. I believe that God takes our failures and our limitations and spins them into meaningful patterns, that when completed, may have us gazing in wonder at the glory of God, even if it didn't start out looking so glorious.
I am trusting that that is how he is working in me, because I butcher even more than Britten on a daily basis.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
After Christmas
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's all about the setting
Bu he didn't see me in Target for the last hour walking like Bozo the Clown, waddling deliberately and slowly down the isles of the store. He didn't see me planning my steps to reduce the amount of space I would need to travel to more effectively manage their size and heel slippage.
Given the right setting most of us look well prepared and wise. No one commented on my choice of shoes in the store. I think they were following the rule of "if you don't have something nice to say..."
Once I got out into the parking lot there was no contest as to who was thinking when they shod their hooves this morning.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Muscle memory
Ten minutes later the memory burst through my consciousness barrier. A hail storm five months ago shattered one of our windows. I went out to survey the damage. Walking down the hill, my flip flops became skis and took off toward the horizon. I went down hard. The ground saturated my jeans instantly. I stood up quickly and was focused on my neck and back which seemed ok. My hip, where I had done injury to, begged me to acknowldge it, to no avail. I was grateful that my spine and neck appeared intact.
Sitting in my office the memory came back with vivid detail. I could even feel the wet jeans clinging to the leg. You could almost here the muscle rejoicing in the acknowledgement.
Earlier in my training to become a therapist I watched a person who performed what she called "Body Work". She took a volunteer from our class and started massaging her. At one point she described feeling a tightness in an area of the patient's back and bored into it, the patient's discomfort growing. The therapist asked her to identify a person that came to mind. The patient singled out her mother. The therapist asked her to talk about feeling she had for her mother. The patient burst into tears and psychic pain poured from her. The therapist explained that memories were not only stored in the brain, but in the muscles as well. Applying pressure and asking therapeutic questions would literally unlock memories.
I was amazed as to the vividness of my memory so many months after the injury. It makes me curious as to what else my body and mind are keeping from me.
Gum chewing ethics
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Validated by the universe
For the most part people were driving at a reasonable speed for the weather conditions. A set of headlights came up behind me too close to my rear end, even for good weather. When I could, I moved to the right and a Hummer barreled by me. I felt angry at the arrogant and unsafe way in which the truck was being driven.
Hummer-man made it to the end of the turn before going all Disney-on-ice. He did a couple pirouettes in middle of the road and disappeared in an explosion of snow on the shoulder. To be totally honest that is what I wait for when someone drives by in a thoughtless manner.
However, what went through my mind was not a sense of satiated vengence, but a sincere hope that Hummer-man would be more realistic and thoughtful in his driving from here on out. And if I were totally honest, I have to admit that there was a small sense of validation.
Vengence never feels good when it is enacted, but validation does. It feels good when the world turns to you and says "you were right." I think we have to savor those moments because they don't come very often.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I woudn't do it
One if the things Coco loves doing is shredding tissue paper that she can reach in the trash can. However it is masked by stealth. We never see her do it , but by process of elimination it is pretty apparent who the shredder is.
I walked in the bathroom where I found a dog peering in the trash can. When she saw me enter she lowered her head, turned around, walked to her food dish and casually started eating her food. While she chewed she looked at me from the corner of her eye. She growled when I picked her up and she wouldn't look me in the eye.
It was so animalistic, this behavior. I never would have acted that way if I were caught.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The power of fear
When it's too cold for business
The prospect loomed that it would be a middle of the night run. Fortunately our daughter was able to coax her outside long enough to piddle, but when Coco was done, she had to be carried back inside.
Cats are spoiled!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I would do anything for love, but I won't do that!
I pass a house with a shadowy human figure standing huddled near the front entry. He is facing the street which means that he isn't knocking on the door. He shifts his weight from one foot to another.
And then I see the hand move to the mouth and a frail orange glow. A smoker.
On a night like tonight I would give up any vice that made me stand out In weather this ungodly. But not this smoker. He braves the blistering wind to pursue his passion. Wow! What commitment. What love.
I would do anything for love... But I wouldn't do that.
No shaking
Last week I scored presentations in some of my classes. The adult students displayed a lot of various nervous behaviors.
It made me think that somewhere between the experience of a child and the experience of an adult, the world becomes a more critical and demanding world.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Don't be afraid
When we encounter pure, naked power, only the insane aren't afraid. When we are threatened to be engulfed by a power that rips all control from us, we are afraid. That is a natural response. The power of nature is a great example. A tornado, an earthquake, a hurricane, all can cause fear as we see how big the event is and how insignificant and powerless we are.
When God or his messengers come in contact with humans, the first words the Bible records that they say to the spectators is "don't be afraid". God, pure naked power, the power of the universe is concerned that we feel loved by him. There is no fear in love, but perfect love drive out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. God knows that if he were to order us to "love" him, or frightens us to "love" him, it isn't really love. Love can only happen when we desire him, his goodness, his care, and his company.
Advent is about the coming of God in a form that we could understand. God came as a man who grew up like we grew up and made himself accessible to us. The season of Advent says, here comes your God. Don't be afraid.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Heaven leaking through
Fun with OCD
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Sign of winter
Monday, December 08, 2008
I want it stopped NOW!
Friday, December 05, 2008
The death and revival of Santa
When evening comes Santa is breathed life into it's lifeless form and he waves and sways to the rhythm of the season.
It is disconcerting to see Christmas carnage on so many lawns.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Rolling stop
I saw the officer get out of the squad car and walk up to my window. To my relief he gave me a warning. I was a free man once moe, a repentant man wanting to be a better man.
Since that night I have been attempting to make sure I come to a complete stop, and to my surprise I have been amazed at the incidences of my rolling stop addiction. I realized that I rolled though stops all the time! The warning was a wake up call. I am curbing the urge to roll when I stop now and my passengers actually notice.
Sometimes a warning can be as effective as a punishment.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hiding the damage
Friday, November 21, 2008
Grey: I see your anatomy
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The need that are hard to see
Monday, November 17, 2008
A note to follow "SO"
Baby talk
Ghosts of the morning
Who is responsible?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Oh my thighs!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Driving like teens
Monday, November 03, 2008
Texas is REALLY BIG!
Or 9?
Freedom on All Saints Day
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Slappin' labels!
.is reading 'The Post-American World' -- it's a Muslim's view.
send this to those that think he walks of water and should be the next President of our Great Nation.
I got this in an e-mail. I didn't edit it so the grammar issues would be discernible. Apparently the person who created this e-mail as well as the one who forwarded this e-mail on to me has not read the book. I am glad Senator Obama is reading this book. It is a fascinating look at the dynamics of the new world that is here that we are going to be a part of. I would hope that Senator John McCain is reading the same book. I found the book very insightful and eye-opening.
And so what if the author is a Muslim? To be honest it is hard to figure out what his religious affiliations are in the book. What does the faction of the Christian community that sent this e-mail out, the community of "love casting out fear", and giving of their lives for others, have against a Muslim? I don't know why the person who sent the e-mail wrote that it was a "Muslim's view", other than the fact the composer of the e-mail is ignorant! I am just tired of this nonsense! There is enough to feel queasy about in the election from either party, without piling on of this nonsense!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm voting for history
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I love it!
Looking for quease
I have been sent some material about the candidates that have been disconcerting at best. After spending some difficult thought provoking weeks and watching the second presidential debate I have finally narrowed down what I believe the election is about.
We have two senators running for president. One hasn't been in the senate for very long, and the other perhaps has been there too long. While both understand politics and law crafting, neither has had much experience with holding and attracting businesses.
If my main focus is on the economy, then Senator McCain is the way I go. He is more cautious when it comes to economy and raising taxes. As a bonus, in the economic arena Governor Palin could be an asset with her experience as a mayor and governor, who’s job it was to attract businesses into her city and her state. I get nervous when I hear politicians, like Senator Obama, talk about making corporations pay their fair share. There is nothing like businesses seeking to improve their bottom line, moving out of cities or country to depress an economy. Moreover, when corporations get taxed, I believe they just pass those increases on to consumers.
Blame for the bank failures is being flung around Washington like poo from a monkey cage. To me, bank failures are not only the fault of one political party. While people love riding gravy trains, greedy excesses have a tendency to catch up with its commuters, and in this case, those of us who watched the train go by. As a nation, we will probably destroy ourselves because we don't know how to rein in maximal WIIFM (what's in it for me), human nature being what it is.
If my main focus is on foreign policy then I think I have to go for Senator Obama. He is cautious on controversial issues and he is much more likely to show restraint in the global arena. Looking at President Clinton and President George Bush, President Clinton was far more likely to fire a couple missiles at a factory of an offending nation than commit our troops to additional ongoing battlefields. And up until the last couple weeks when banks were going belly up at a record rate, our political focus was on nations we are at war with or could be at war with. I'm not convinced that Senator McCain wouldn't be "Maverick" from the movie "Top Gun", itching for a fight.
It has been reported in the last few days about how the global markets are working together during this financial meltdown to keep bankruptcies and bailouts from destroying all markets. This has demonstrated for me the necessity to be able to navigate in the global arena. It is my belief that President George Bush, while a decent man, has decimated our standing in the global community. His reckless bullying actions in the world, his black/white thinking, and his cronyism has squandered the goodwill we enjoyed from the global community after 9/11.
At this point, a month away from the election I am planning to vote for Senator Obama because I think global issues trump economic issues. If we have the resolve, we will work to climb out of this economic crisis we are in. There will be pain and inconvenience and possibly some dramatic changes in the way we live and do business. Maybe we will learn from this. Maybe we won’t. However if we make ourselves unpopular in the world we could be doing battle with a lot of other countries. It is hard to live in a global system with an ever shrinking set of allies.
I don't believe that Senator McCain and Governor Palin are not the mavericky pair that will ride in and change the way Washington works. I don't believe that Senator Obama is going to save us. I’m not sure that either will be able to continue for a second term. I don’t believe that Senator Obama is the "Manchurian candidate" or that Senator McCain is as out of touch as his detractors contend. Either has the potential to astound or disappoint us. Elections are simply about damage control.
The good news for me is that in these past weeks I have rediscovered my political equilibrium. I have long stated that if I don’t feel queasy coming out of the voting booth, I haven’t done my job.
Thank God, I now feel queasy.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Silver Bullet
In two weeks I am riding the Silver Bullet to Mexico. After our trip in July, one of the needs identified was a van. With money donated, a silver colored van has been purchased in Minnesota and we are going to drive it down to Valle Hermosa to give to an alliance of churches. It will be a quick trip, and it should be fun to connect with friends made in July. If you want to see the work being done there please click here.
One of the needs that pops up all the time in the area of Mexico we were in is guitars. It is the primary form of accompanying singing in many of the smaller churches. Guitars get an amazing amount of use.A former student of mine, Aaron Madison, who has a company that repairs guitars and works with Guitar Center is donating a guitar he had. If you have a guitar that is sitting around, I would ask you to consider donating it to this work in Mexico. Contact me as soon as possible if you are wanting to donate as we will have a van to take down rather than checking it on a plane. We are also able to give you a letter to be able to claim your donations on your taxes. Please contact me at
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tears in the isle
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It's not the days, it's the moments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
A renewable energy source
Cheating the piper
Thursday, September 18, 2008
When you can't edit
Compassionate eating
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Forever mine?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sharin' the seed
Signs of Fall
"Fall is in the air. You can smell it." "Look, the leaves are changing!" These are signs of Fall and most look to those indicators to herald the emergence of Fall
The 30 pound predicament
In the last six months I have lost thirty pound. I feel better, clothes fit better and my knees don't scream quite as loud when I walk up stairs. I could lose more, but I feel good about the loss I have achieved.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Save me Centro!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Captured bird
What I can (never) do
This week the Olympics have consumed our national psyche. Stories emerge about the incredible sacrifices made to get to this point. We see hard bodies that define muscles so precisely so that it wouldn't look much different if we peeled away skin. And these amazing hard bodies do amazing things. And we celebrate the winners. Very quickly those who don't place, lose their place in the story.
I was raised with two beliefs. One was that we in our family were special, that we didn't occupy ourselves with the pursuits of the common folks. Our existence was on a higher plane. The other tenant was that strong, well-muscled men were a cut above the rest. So when I see male athletes standing on the podium receiving accolades for their accomplishment, I have a tendency to feel despondent. I can feel I don’t measure up and I should. I know it isn’t rational. I know the fallacies that lurks behind that thinking. But like a riptide, it has the tendency to set me adrift for a while.
One of the things that helps me find the sand under my feet is this. The Olympics are well-defined arenas to showcase one or several athletic skills that the athletes have been honing for years. Cast in that setting, it looks pretty impressive. In fact, they are really impressive and I do not want to diminish their achievements. But we don’t know how they function after they leave the arena, what goes through their minds when no one is aware. I don’t know that they are better people because of what they have achieved on the world stage. They are simply people who have exhibited a single dimensional skill divorced from a multidimensional life.
And while their awards are well deserved, that is not a basis for the measurement of the worth of a life.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
34 passenger van
Watching Rambo in Spanish
Monday, August 11, 2008
Primal peek-a-boo
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Play with me
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Killing the potato
Just a joke?
I read this joke on a widget I have on my computer. I found myself laughing, quite amused by the joke, delivered by Jay Leno.
Beijing skies are so polluted that Chinese authorities are planning emergency measures for the Olympics. For example, protesters will now only be run over with hybrid tanks.
I was going to print it up and put it on my door to share with others at work. I was going to put a picture of one of the dissidents standing in front of a row of tanks he was staring down along with the joke. As I was finding the picture of that in Google, other pictures of the dead bodies of dissidents who had paid for their protest with their life emerged as well.
As I saw those pictures, the joke stopped being funny. I was sick to my stomach at the cruelty of a government that would run over demonstrators who were protesting the lack of freedom that others in other countries have. It felt like it cheapened the lives of those students.
There is nothing funny about repressive governments. I think Jay Leno was attempting to show that not much has changed in the Chinese government other than public relations. I think we do a disservice to the dissidents when we reduce the cost of their lives to a punch line.
When we make a joke of of this are we helping call attention to the plight of many in the world? Or are we creating humor out of horror, so we don't have to be so appalled by it?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Ain't I special...NOT
Being there
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The gift and the curse!
Home is where the stove is
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The wonder of southern lights