Saturday, December 27, 2008

Guide me oh thou greatest Google

On my phone I have Google maps. It is a great feature that includes traffic information. When I am confused on where to go during rush hour I look for the way that has the most green roadways on it. Yellow and black are to be avoided. It will also locate businesses in the area. At times, relying on the information provided I have hit traffic where Google said was clear. I have found it to be marginally accurate.

On our way to Mexico in October we were trying to find a Sonic drive-in restaurant. I consulted my Google maps application to guide us to the desired destination. I located one that was on our route. We were looking for the exit when someone said "there's a Sonic!" The one they found wasn't the one I had identified and this one wasn't listed on my map.

There is a real temptation for me to put my faith in technology to guide me, but it falls short. It could go down at any time, it depends on electricity. Technology is wonderful to use, it makes my life richer, but it will never save me. Never.

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