Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Slappin' labels!

.is reading 'The Post-American World' -- it's a Muslim's view.

send this to those that think he walks of water and should be the next President of our Great Nation.

I got this in an e-mail. I didn't edit it so the grammar issues would be discernible. Apparently the person who created this e-mail as well as the one who forwarded this e-mail on to me has not read the book. I am glad Senator Obama is reading this book. It is a fascinating look at the dynamics of the new world that is here that we are going to be a part of. I would hope that Senator John McCain is reading the same book. I found the book very insightful and eye-opening.

And so what if the author is a Muslim? To be honest it is hard to figure out what his religious affiliations are in the book. What does the faction of the Christian community that sent this e-mail out, the community of "love casting out fear", and giving of their lives for others, have against a Muslim? I don't know why the person who sent the e-mail wrote that it was a "Muslim's view", other than the fact the composer of the e-mail is ignorant! I am just tired of this nonsense! There is enough to feel queasy  about in the election from either party, without piling on of this nonsense!

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