Monday, December 08, 2008

I want it stopped NOW!

Someone sent me a request to join a cause to stop the practice in China of skinning of dogs and cats while they are still alive. There was a painful video that accompanied the request. It was horrible. I want it stopped! I want it stopped NOW!

Sarah McLachlin sings "In the arms of an angel" as she talks about the abused pets that must be rescued. I want it stopped! I want it stopped NOW!

Thinking of the abuse of animals I turn to children among others who are systematically being starved around the world, women and young girls being raped, mutilated and killed, men tortured and killed in horrible ways.  Innocent people lose their lives due to fanatics making statements with bombs designed to tear flesh apart. There are millions trapped in human trafficking horror with no one to hear their cry. 

The field starts to expand until my vision is overcrowded with need, pain, and abuse. The plethora of needs causes the compassion center in my brain to short out. And when it shorts out I end up doing nothing, because it is so huge I don't know where to start.

I want it stopped! I want it stopped NOW! Now I have to go sit down and figure out where and how I start. While I am figuring out how to start, thousands of animals are being skinned alive, thousands of people are being starved, tortured, and trafficked. AAAHHHHH!!!!!!

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