Monday, December 31, 2007


I met a friend for lunch today. We hadn't seen each other for some time. When we got close arms opened wide and we embraced with reckless abandon. When lunch was over and the hug broke up from saying farewell it was as if my heart had not completed its hug.

I came home and hugged my wife. I thought of the closeness of shared years. Our hearts beat mere inches from the other, pounding out messages of love that have become endearingly familiar.

I thought about the meaning of hugs. We position our chests so hearts are as close in proximity as they can be. It is as close as two hearts can get without cutting open chests. As we embrace, so do our hearts. We press hearts and hold them close. And when we let go, when there is love, there is longing for more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what an absolutely wonderful description of hugging! It gave me goosebumps, it was so perfect!