Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Answering the monk

Comments on the 12-10-07 edition of internetmonk podcast. Michael Spencer defined what he meant when he talked about being a post-evangelical. He was very clear to point out that he was using it in the sense of moving past what evangelicalism has become in it's commercial, consumer driven mentality. He stated that when he talked to some, post-evangelicalism referred to a less defined faith system, almost squishy in its lack of elucidation, a catch-all category for any sort of belief in Jesus. Michael was very clear in stating his discomfort with that type of theology.

Listening to the podcast, I share Michael's concern about the state of the American evangelical church. Beyond commercialism and consumerism, in some denominations it is also the brazen belief that they alone speak for God in their narrowminded dogmatism. I am repulsed by it.

In my journey I have come to see God as so much bigger, in fact too big for my mind to wrap around. At this time, attempting to define him, feels limiting. I know at some point I will need a more encompassing definition. That would be down the road a while. Right now I am floating in my faith and rejecting labels. A working definition for where I am at this time is simply following the example of Jesus and focusing on love and service.

However, at this time squishy feels comforting and freeing, not wounding and stifling.

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