Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

It's been my perception that saying "happy holidays" or "merry Christmas" based on a religious view has not been as pronounced this holiday season. I remember more people getting upset last year. I don't know if I'm not exposed to that line of thinking much these days or it really has died down.

I have decided that I will through the years use the phrase "Merry Christmas". I will not use it because I think it will have a redemptive aspect towards our increasingly "godless" culture. I will not use it because I want to upset those who want to stop people from saying the word.

No! I will use the phrase "Merry Christmas" because that is the holiday we are celebrating. It is Christmas. And retailers DEPEND on you not forgetting it.

So as long as there are retailers dependent on Christmas I will say "Merry Christmas"

I will admit that one phrase that has hit the cutting room floor during the Christmas season is "Hohoho".

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