Tuesday, October 09, 2007

What are we saying

I drive past this sign every day I go to work. Today it read "God is as good as His Word."

At the time I saw the sign I was listening to a message by Rob Bell from Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He talked about participating in a mission trip that was designed to bring food and resources to the poor. There were some on the trip that wanted to know when they were going to able to tell others about Jesus. His response was "it isn't that we are not telling others about Jesus at this time. We are! The thing we need to think about is "what are we telling others about Jesus?"

I guess in that instant the statement changed to a question. "Is God as good as my word?"

1 comment:

Christa said...

Thats such a good question, and a difficult one to honestly answer for anyone, I think.