Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pharisee creep

I was at a church this weekend that was very different in its presentation. The church prided itself in its open expression of spirituality. At prayer time the leader asked for people to pray for the church, and asked for what should be prayed for. The very first response was to pray for churches that preach intolerance. I don't believe that the woman was being judgemental. I know I have been intolerant of intolerance.

Pharisees were the religious leaders of the Jewish faith during the time of Jesus' life. They were meticulous in keeping the myriad of laws that were part of their religion. Jesus tells a story about a pharisee and a tax collector praying. The pharisee prays that he is thankful he is not like other men, and then lists off all the things that he does. He thanks God that he is not like the despicable tax collector that is praying next to him.

The tax collector prays for God to have mercy on him.

I see the tendency in my own life, when I make progress spiritually, to think that I see more than others, to think that I've arrived. If I have arrived the journey is over, and I know that isn't true.

I have to be very careful with my heart to know to my core that I depend on God for my very existence. When I pray, I am not to pray, "Thank God I am not like those intolerant churches." There is a very thin margin when I think of where I am, to think that I have made it. That pharisee attitude can creep into my heart and create a proud spirit.

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