On the way to work a white SUV flared up behind me. It crawled real close to my bumper. The blond headed woman looked very frustrated by my presence in "her" lane. When it was clear, she ripped around me and shot back into my lane. That is when I saw the fish on her bumper and instantly judged her rather harshly. "Hypocrite" came spilling from my mouth.
I think the problem is that people want to identify with something, a cause to rally around. But as soon as you do, you are making a non-binding commitment to always be on display before others and open up your life and your faith to ridicule and judgement, because we could never live up to the ideals set by Jesus.
Here is a bumper sticker idea that could be much more helpful in allowing some leeway in being judged by fellow drivers. It might even bring a smile.
A question to ponder, if I am trying to keep up with Jesus, is He doing the speed limit?
Think the phrase is "Jesus walk with me"...?
More times than I can count, I have been tailgated, cut off, and flipped off by drivers of vehicles proclaiming their faith via fish emblems or personalized plates. (May be more fashion than faith.)
The regularity of experience (?) prompted me to write an essay called "WWJD behind the wheel of an SUV?" Given the road rage conditions, he might not make such a joyful noice either...
WWJD behind the wheel of an SUV. Oh too funny. I have to think He might not be very thrilled with the way we treat one another on the road. I am the same person...getting upset at others who have their faith put out there for the world and then act rude. I think, "Thanks, dumbo. Now people will think we are all that way. Ugh." But I, like others, judge people harshly and unfairly due to their bumper stickers...I see a Pro-Bush sticker and I immediately cringe and want to flip off the driver. But the fact is, they might be a great person...just misdirected when it comes to politics *smile*. I've only had one bumper sticker that I truly loved...it said, "Ex-boyfriend in trunk." LOL. I got a lot of laughs when people saw that. Of course I was only 18...these days I'm happy with my bumpersticker less car. But who knows...I might find one that's fun...someday.
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