Monday, October 15, 2007

Am I truly loving?

1 Corinthians 13: says that love is not irritable.

Am I truly loving when my daughter asks for something that inconveniences me and her face looks more like duck and cover, than confidence?

Am I truly loving when my reaction to being inconvenienced on the roadways ends in a growl rather than in grace?

If I am irritable, can I say I'm loving?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

which is a response versus an overall attitude?

we can all have snarly and snarky moments but a loving attitude...

or we can have snarly and snarky moments as well as a snarly and snarky attitude...

or loving moments but a snarly and snarky attitude.

sometimes, snarly and snarky moments indicate we need to receive some TLC from self or another... and/or a snack and a nap.

so, yes... you are loving.