Sunday, December 04, 2005

The wages of choice

Nguyen Tuong Van, 25, was hanged before dawn in Singapore. He was convicted of drug trafficing. I must admit I felt a sense of uneasiness knowing that he was hanged and the unwavering stance of the government.

In another land four men have been kidnapped and face death possibly by beheading. They are peace activists who were in Iraq to help improve the conditions there.

While I feel more sadness for the Iraqi hostages, I keep coming back to the simple thought that they all made choices. If I make a choice to drive into oncoming traffic with my lights off I would face tragic consequences. They all made choices. One to break the law by possessing heroin. The others made the choice to help in a land where providing that help can be very dangerous.

It is strange that when something ends badly we feel a sense of unfairness. But life is tricky. We make choices and then we have to live with the consequences.

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