Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A difference in focus

Religious leaders in this country are all up in arms because the word “Christmas has been taken out of much of the retail advertisements this year. It is getting humorous to see how much religion can be taken out of a religious holiday. I have been amused in years past as to how some school districts have bent over backwards to not “offend” anyone with references to Christian holiday trappings. There are only so many songs you can sing before you have to use “Christmas” carols, and there is only so much you can rework the lyrics before the integrity of the song is destroyed.

The religious leaders are striking back this year. Yessir! They are boycotting stores that don’t use the word "Christmas" in their store advertising. And there just may be enough people out there to seriously make a dent in a store’s profits.

The pope came out with a proclamation yesterday saying that materialism is destroying the Christmas season

In Rome, the religious leadership is attempting to encourage its followers to move this holiday season back to a state of the heart. In our country the religious leadership is directing people where to focus their purchasing power.

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