Friday, December 16, 2005

Narnia versus Brokeback Mountain

Aslan has come to the theatres. Narnia is playing the big screen. All the Christian folks are rejoicing that their story is being told. You have to hand it to Disney, that even though they haven’t been best friends with the religious at times, they had the courage to get the story right. Score one for the Christians.

At the same time Brokeback Mountain is gaining critical acclaim for its portrayal of two cowboys (emphasis on "boys") who fall in love with each other. Score one for the gay community.

Now comes the battle of words. “The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe” is being blasted as nothing more that Christian propaganda by some. On the other side “Brokeback mountain” is being referred to by the religious community as homosexual propaganda.

I’m not sure how success will be measured, if it is box office sales or an increase in professing Christians or homosexuals. The battleground for the moral compass seems to have been moved out of the church and is now being fought on the big screen.

In the end I wonder if any movie has the power to change a person’s outlook or lifestyle. Maybe we should just accept movies for what they are…entertainment.

May the best picture win!

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