Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Once again in my life I am encountering transitions. When I experience them they can feel unsettling and unnerving, but if they are faced and defined, and I am willing to adjust, they can be beneficial.

It is easier when the transitions are of your own choosing, like leaving home or finding a new job. Sometimes though, when transitions are forced on me, like getting laid off or having to deal with an illness, it is tougher. I not only fight the adjustment, but my oppositional nature as well. I don’t like to have to submit, but in submitting, I find an easier path through the transition. And in doing my part, if I leave the outcome in God’s hands, that’s a load off me.


ParsonBlue said...

Transitions - I identify - I moved to Chicago a little over a year ago in an attempt to save my marriage - in January my wife filed for divorce and in February I was laid off for the first time in my life. A shrink told me that the Japanese character for risk is made of the character for danger and opportunity. I'm trying to do the next right thing.

I love the title of your blog "only a flesh wound" ...I have been in that kind of denial. I like the pics with your posts.

Peace...Parson Blue

Christa said...

I hate forced transitions, and sometimes I even hate transitions I started myself...and then don't want to follow through on.

For me, the lack of control a forced transition brings is a scary thing. More scary as I get older than when I was a kid and nothing was that important.