Sunday, September 30, 2007


"You cannot change the totalitarian mind through dialogue or conversation, because totalitarianism -- however ingenious the superstructure of faux ideas with which it surrounds itself -- is a creature of the will and not the mind." Taken from an article about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to the US.,0,1222354.story?coll=la-headlines-calendar

I have some people in my life who practice more tyrannical attitudes in their thinking and/or behaving. In attempting to converse with them, I have made the mistake of believing that reason could triumph. Sadly the stark reality is quite the opposite. Any point I attempt to make to focus on truth is immediately rejected in favor of irrationality. While making statements designed to open up discussion, all it seems to do is pour fuel on a flame.

All that is left then is making sure that the tyrant's message is not legitimzed, protect myself, and leave the outcome in God's hand.

It is a good thing for tyrants when people don't think for themselves.

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