Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The American way

I was at a department store today and as I wandered the isles I came across this sight, an Emergency Greeting Card Kit. It looks like it could have been dropped from a FEMA vehicle, (if any were around). As I thought it through I wondered if those whose lives had been ruined by natural disasters would be on the plethera of TV interviews telling the reporter through sobs that the thing they missed most were their greeting cards! Hell, where are you going to mail it? The post office is that pile of rubble at the other end of the block.

What I concluded was that this is just another example of American ingenuity. The next new thing waiting to be discovered. Apparently there was a putz who got an idea together, pitched to others, who liked it and bought in as well, and with the speed of George Bush decending on New Orleans, brought it to the American consumer. Let's not worry that people are offended or that we cheapen these tragedies! We are making money!

The thing that gives me hope is that they were all sitting on an end cap with clearance stickers on them. Apparently they didn't sell. This is the other side of American consumers. They vote with their pocketbook.

1 comment:

For The Trees said...

I think it's all about money. For some strange reason we Americans have this thing about spending money. We even go into hock to have money to spend (credit).

So an Emergency Greeting Card Kit is a natural. Watch for Emergency Kits for things like Bridal Showers, Avon Parties, Tupperware Parties (or do they already HAVE Emergency Kits?) and even Introductions At A Party.

Whew! All it takes is money to buy it all, then stash it at the house and know that you've helped keep the Great American Economy on track.

But! If everyone voted with their pocketbook/checkbook, and voted WITH THEIR SENSIBILITIES INTACT, then we'd have nobody buying gas, nobody buying much of anything except food.

But an Emergency Greeting Card Kit. Now THAT'S imagination!