Monday, October 10, 2005

Differences in crisis management

The world has dealt humanity another blow, to a far away region. The earth crust shifted and lives were ended. I found out about it on Google. There was no disruption in the force, as a thousand life forces were extinguished. No, it was just a double take at an Internet headline.

As I listened to the reports coming in from the other side of the world I am struck that there is no chanting from any convention center of “HELP! HELP! HELP!” I don't think there is FEMA reporting in. There are soldiers. There are pleas to the soldiers that go unheeded. The victims complain that the soldiers don’t listen, but it doesn’t sound like they are surprised that their pleas are ignored. Grief makes them pushy, but I don’t think there will be any federal investigation into the handling of this tragedy.

In Guatemala they are just proclaiming whole areas of mudslides as mass graves. In this country we were doing DNA tests on charred bits of flesh after the Twin Towers collaped.

We live in an imperfect country, but it does have its advantages. Like accountability. No matter how people dance, the truth will come out. And while the punishments may not be as harsh as we would like them to be, they do suffer some.

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