Sunday, October 09, 2005

Call me!

A phenonenon that I have been experiencing lately is a lack of response from companies. I'm sick to death of these insurance ads that promote how well people listen and respond to meet needs. If I get behind in a payment it is amazing how quickly I get a letter threatening to cut me off if I don't get the money to them immediately. It seems like when I need something I am calling many times before I can get anyone to respond.

Its not just the insurance industry. Other areas that I have needed service in as well as sending resumes for potential jobs. It too hard to send me a reply e-mail telling me that others are better qualified? I'm tired of not being contacted.

I have an oven problem now. I called the repair company and was told that they would call me within the day. That was a week ago. I thought the company was to provide follow up calls, not me.

I'm beginning to believe that the only people who are going to contact me are auto-responders, telemarketers, and spammers. I can't seem to stop them. Maybe the dirty secret is that if I buy from them I won't hear from them either. A tempting thought.

Nah, I'm not that rich.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I rest my case.