Sunday, October 30, 2005

Give me Tamiflu or give me dealth

Tamiflu, salvation to the world. Tamiflu, the vaccine that will protect humans against Bird Flu.

The last couple days the focus of health officials has been to threaten the halting of Tamiflu vaccine because people are hoarding it. There is even frustration over America with its rich resources hoarding it from the world.

My only question is, what the hell did they think people would do? Did they really think that if death was on the line, people would share? I have just been told that millions of people will die a horrible death from Bird Flu. My first response will be “hopefully there will be enough to go around, but I’ll make sure others are vaccinated first”. Yeah right!

On the other side of the coin are those who are hoarding. With hoarding comes the belief that Tamiflu can save them. Anyone who understands how flu vaccines work understand that each year flu vaccine is based on a best guess as to which strain of flu is going to break out. If the Bird Flu strain is mutating, good luck!

Medical science has done some spectacular things. What it has not done is given us 100% cure rate. So hoard away! I really hope it saves you! You just might have more faith in this than I do.

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