Monday, February 11, 2008

"Snow" Dandruff

This morning it was 14 below freaking zero.  The wind was howling which dropped the temperature down from that as well. 

I am not always careful to make sure my hair is dry before encountering the elements. I went out to warm up the car. I retrieved the morning paper at the end of the drive.  The time it took to get the paper and get back in the car, my hair looked like a frozen Albert Einstein hairdo.  

I got the brush out and ran it through my stiff frozen locks. As I combed, a layer of frosty dandruff peppered my shoulders. This of course turned to droplets as the temperature warmed in the car.

I use a dandruff shampoo every day, but in checking the label, there is no ingredient that combats "snow" dandruff. I think the missing ingredient may be a touch of intelligence.

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