Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ripples of despair

I was driving down the road and it hit me, what does any of what I am doing in my life matter? What game am I playing at? Life took on an air of immense futility. I felt a ripple of despair, it lingered for a moment, and then it passed. And I didn't hit anyone driving near me.

I am normally a pretty confident person. When those times of questioning come, it troubles me. I didn't use to ask that question of myself as much when I was younger. As I get older, these ripples comes more and more.

I have been told that if I keep a cell phone on all the time, I should turn the phone off for a minute every other day or so, to reset the service, identify the new towers and download any updates.
Maybe the lapses in confidence that I experienced may be resets as well. I can answer myself "Yes it does matter, so get back in the game because the team needs what you provide.

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