I am continually reminded of a powerful truth about human nature. Many people would rather stick a needle in their own eye than face the truth about who they are. Substitute remedies are employed with the belief that healing is just around the corner. When the person becomes accustomed to the surrogate cure and it’s efficacy is diminished, the person is still left with the deep-seated need that has not been addressed. What they absolutely won’t do is admit who they really are and get help.
It is painful to look at who we really are. It takes courage to admit our faults and failings. And yet if we don’t face our imperfections, we remain in hiding from the outside world. Shame can hold us prisoners to our feelings and ourselves. Many believe that if they admit who they really are they will be rejected and that would be unbearable.
The truth is that they deceive themselves. They stay frozen in their fear and end up spending all their energy on deception and control, having very little passion left over to enjoy life. They stay unaware of the freedom that awaits them, ensnared in their own delusions.
There is no quick start, there is no short-cut. You need to turn the light on yourself and face the truth there. You need courage to accept and embrace all parts of yourself before you can truly be free. And that truth is able to set you free.
So what happens when we see and face our imperfections but we have no idea how to change them and that just makes one dislike themselves more? I know what flaws I have...the problem is figuring out how to either change or accept them and actually like myself.
It is helpful to admit where you are and not know where to go. That is where a good counselor can come in to support you with empathy and skill while at the same time giving you skills and new perspectives to move you in different directions, hopefully, heathier directions.
I don't suppose you'd be willing to take on a fairly messed up girl to councel?
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