This morning on my way to work I had to slow down to miss hitting the rear end of a pickup. The truck was doing 50 mph in a 70 mph zone. I changed lanes when safe and moved around the slow moving vehicle. There was a white Mazda ahead of the truck that was moving at a slow speed as well with the pickup on its bumper. Passing the Mazda and moving into its lane evoked high beams in my rear view mirror.
We all want justice. I feel the anger towards rude drivers. I don’t like to be taken advantage of, pushed or butted in on. And in my anger there have been times where I have sought to take justice into my own hands.
The Mazda illustrated the difficulty with seeking justice. Seeking punishment for the truck, cars behind were punished as well, and frustration was felt by an increasing number of drivers. I was driving at a dangerously slow speed because of the truck driver’s error. The bright lights could have been potentially dangerous as well.
I don't need to seek justice for myself. This I can leave to God. In seeking to mete out justice, it is never solely focused at the offender. Others may be punished for it as well, which could create a bigger pool of those seeking retribution. The energy I give out will be the energy that I get back.
I remember counseling a person many years ago that used to run people off the road who made him angry. One day he missed the other car and ended up driving into a tree. That is what brought him in for counseling. He thought he "might have a problem." What goes around comes around.
I don’t need to be the judge, because I do it badly and I don’t have the skill to surgically strike another, or it is employed out of anger or revenge. Also, there are times when I act rudely too and I need forgiveness not judgment.
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