I don't normally give away entrepeneurial ideas for free, but here is an idea for an enterprising investor.
On the road today I came upon a truck carrying a roll of linoleum. It had been wrapped in plastic strips. One of the strips had unravelled and trailed behind the truck a good 25-30 feet. No one dared approach his bumper.
What a great idea for preventing tailgaters. I think there should be some sort of ribbon material that you can let out like a trolling line that waves at windshield level of the car behind you. That would discourage a would be tailgater to keep their distance. You could actually control how far you want the car driving behind you. And with that kind of control, there would be less feelings of rage towards those who approach you.
One kink you would have to work out is how to deploy it in stop and go traffic. If traffic were stopped it would lay on the ground. A disgruntled motorist would have the opportunity to run over it and break off the troublesome piece. Rage could ensue.
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