Sunday, May 07, 2006


Reading what a person I care about thought of me, I was angry. Really angry. It cut deep and I felt the pain of the cut.

I vented. My poor friend endured my diatribes, my insults, my unreasonable responses. She sat there, she joined in, she gave me the gift of helping me process this painful information.

Next came the willingness to let it go, giving up the desire to hold on to it. Being willing to turn it over to God who can absorb even the strongest emotions.

Then came peace. Not right away. Not like an explosion, but like a shift of a breeze where you suddenly realize that it has cooled down, the heat displaced. You gaze into your heart and realize the anger and the pain is no longer there.

We can be angry and hurt, but we need to acknowledge it and be willing to let it go, or become its prisoner. We can find healing, but it is a process. It doesn't come of it's own. We have to invite it in and release the hurt like a dove into blue sky.

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