Friday, March 10, 2006

The talking hair stylist

I got my hair cut yesterday. Working for a long time in the therapy business and now teaching, I don't mind people not talking when they are doing my hair. I don't have a deepseated need to have them know my business, and I do fine not needing to know theirs. Usually when I get my hair cut, (which is rarely) I sit quietly in my own thoughts and let the operator do battle with my hair.

The operator yesterday didn't seem to get the hint. It was like she was following a script, regardless of whether any other actors were reciting their lines. She asked if I had children, how old they were, where I worked, what I taught, and on, and on, and on. I answered with short answers and not elaborating on anything hoping she would take a hint and cease her barrage. Nothing doing, she kept talking. The woman seemed driven to keep the conversation alive.

I realize she was young. Older operators don't seem to need to converse if the client doesn't want to. I don't know what the young thing was attempting to do. Maybe she thought she was giving me good customer service.

She did give a wonderful scalp massage. The only thing that would have been more enjoyable would have been silence.

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