Friday, March 31, 2006

Ski Resort

It is a strange thing to be at a ski resort and not ski. It’s kind of like being the only sober person at a party. Things look very weird, but those around you act like this is normal.

For example, ski boots. I know that ski boots are designed to give the maximum amount of protection, but when the person is off the skis they walk like a Raptor or a sandpiper, stealth not included. CLOMP! CLOMP! CLOMP, this mass of reptilian dinosaur-walking creatures move towards and away from the slopes. Adults tug little children clomping along, some children accepting their lot for the day, others clearly uncomfortable in their inability to run. On the slopes, grace is given. In the lodge they look just plain bizarre.

Snowboarders walk more normally in their boots, but one might say that their weirdness may be a more stable quality.

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