Breaking news. Bird flu! Pandemic! Millions of people will die! The world is overdue for death and destruction of this magnitude! We are monitoring chickens, ducks, geese and parrots, but we are powerless to stop the spread of this horrible disease! This on the shirttails of hurricane distruction, earthquakes, mudslides, tsunamis. Will it ever end?
Then today I read: Despite increasing public nervousness, Margaret Chan, assistant director-general of the World Health Organization, said the general population should remember it is relatively hard to catch bird flu.
"We are not in a pandemic yet and I don't want the community to have unnecessary anxiety," she told Reuters Television in an interview.
Oh isn't that helpful! First you tell me that millions will die, but now I find out it's "relatively" hard to catch. And can you let me know what necessary anxiety is?
It seems to me that the news has found a lot of success in wall-to-wall coverage of disasters. 911 gave us video footage that looked like it came from a Hollywood set. We saw mind-numbing coverage of the gulf coast states devistation. We haven't seen much footage from Pakistan, most likely because we can't find enough people with their own video cameras (but that's another issue).
Now along comes bird flu. H5N1 is its real name. It has been touted to have the potential to kill millions of people. Remember last year? There was a shortage of flu vaccine. People were in a panic. A crisis over what was going to happen. If any people died from last year's breakout, it wasn't enough to merit wall-to-wall breaking news coverage. I don't even think I saw anything in the news crawl at the bottom of any news channel.
Almost all the Hollywood disaster movies start out with someone who knows what disaster is going to happen to end the world, Then there are those who shut the doomsayer down because the higher-ups don't want the general public to panic on their watch. Where are these higher-ups here? Who let the cat, sorry, I mean duck out of the bag? I don't see a hook coming out to snag the necks of the WHO officials claiming pandemic and pull them off stage.
This plague doesn't even have the panic sex appeal of "Mad Cow Disease". Most of us have gotten the flu, but most of us have not gone crazy. Most. Bird Flu doesn't sound scary.
I can't say we shouldn't be concerned. I'm just not willing to get my heart rate up for that. I'm not getting vaccinated this year. I'm not afraid. I'm going to live on the edge. I've been living with the potential of doomsday since 911. After all, the car next to me might be packed with explosives and will blow soon. The person on the street next to me might be a terrorist with a dirty bomb that will make me really sick before I die a horrible death. The person walkng into my building may detonate his backpack when he is in the middle of a crowd. I am going to take precautions like washing my hands and staying away from sick people with flu-like symptoms, but I won't live my life in fear. So kindly shut the cluck up unless it's heading my way. Oh wait, don't worry, I'll get my alerts from the freaking wall-to-wall news coverage. I will see it coming miles off.
In the mean time "that was a chicken sandwich, hold the mayo. Oh, and by the way, do you know how this chicken died?"