Monday, September 29, 2008

Tears in the isle

One of our sons got married this weekend. As the beautiful bride walked down the isle to her new husband-to-be waiting for her, you could see her wiping away tears. Looking at the groom, he was teary as well. Others in the wedding party were red eyed and wiping tears away.  My wife was wiping tears away and so was I. 

I have blogged a number of times about tears. The act of tearing up is so powerful, and if the audience has empathy, tears are a virulent virus that spreads from one to another. And it is very hard to stop tears. I remember sitting at a hospital as a mother and daughter were crying and holding each other, while the father sat looking at the ceiling, breathing deep so he wouldn't succumb to the weeping.

Tears make us stop and take stock of the moment. Tears are signs of significance. They magnify meaning. They are holy.


Jenni with an "i" said...

I want to see pictures when you have a chance. Oh my goodness.... Another baby I babysat got married. How can it be I still feel like I am only old enough to babysit ha ha ha. Miss you all much.

Jenni with an "i" said...

Thanks for the pictures. I feel like I could say back in the day I have photos of those boys at my house lined up just like that.