Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where is God now?

Michael Vick of the Atlanta Falcons is in deep doggy -doo (sorry, I couldn't help it) with his involvement in a dog-fighting ring. He has been known for his Christian beliefs and his charitable deeds. Because of these allegations, Nike and Reebok have pulled their endorsement deals with him. With all the negative press he has received Michael may very well be wondering where God is in all this turmoil.

A great thing about this country is that if we believe in the "who is doing well indicates God's presence" line of thinking we can actually find where God has moved to.

According to that thinking, God has left Michael Vick and now resides with the Christian collector merchandise sellers, because since Vick's merchandise has been pulled from the shelves, the collectors’ prices are up.

Wow. This is soooo easy to discover God's presence! No wonder this thinking is so prevalent in this country. If you pay attention to the news you can actually document God's movements! Now if I could just find a way to market this!

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