Saturday, December 23, 2006


The last final was graded. I was just logging it into the computer. There was a pop, a sting on my nose, and then blurred vision. I couldn't see. It took me a moment to realize that a lens in my glasses had popped out and was laying on my lap, not that I could see it!

I just purchased these glasses about three weeks ago and I had gotten frames with only metal at the top. The lens is held in place by a strong nylon strand around the lower half, much like a fishing line. That is what snapped.

I didn't have any other glasses so I packed up my stuff and headed to the store where I purchased them. The lady behind the counter was pleasant and put the best spin possible on how durable they were, but it sounded like there were a lot of repairs of this nature with these glasses.

I am again reminded that our lives are so fragile. We take for granted, the bonds that we depend on to manage our lives, and when one of them snaps, we are stunned and disoriented. Glasses are an easy fix. Organ shutdown, job loss, auto accident, loss of electricity, among the myriad supports in our lives, makes it trickier.

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