Friday, November 24, 2006

Navigating Black Friday

This morning we got up early. Real early! We were hoping to get the deals advertised at Target. It opened up at 6 AM. We left the house a little late. We missed the mass of people rushing the door when they opened.

In the parking lot all were speed-walking for the doors. There was a fear that we might miss what we came for.

People were everywhere. My heart beat harder as I searched for the advertised deals. Others were looking for the same things.

I got to the shelf. The item was gone! Oh wait, they have more in the stock room. How could I position myself to insure that I get mine, before the others?

Then the realization hit. What am I doing? How am I caught up in this madness? Slow down. What will happen if I miss the item? ... I miss it. Plainly and simply, I can live without it.

I realize that it is so easy to get caught up in the madness of getting. It takes work to let go.

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