Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The benefits of hate

"YOU CAN'T BE CATHOLIC AND PRO-ABORTION." The car with that bumper sticker raced past me. I was mildly disturbed about the randomly polarizing in-your-face approach to the topic. It seems it was intended to ramp up a person's blood pressure. Granted, most Catholics don't adhere to abortion, but who is this person to blast those who believe different than her.

As I thought about the statement, I thought of all the unkind words that have been spoken by people who call themselves Christians. Many unkind labels came to mind. It made me feel sad for all the hateful things that have been said in God's name.

There is a verse in the Bible that says "everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to me". (Luke 21:17). And Jesus, talking to his disciples, says it like that is a good thing. There are other verses as well that talk about the benefits of being hated for belief in God.

Maybe this polarizing speech could be considered in other ways. If being hated is desirable for a Christian, then maybe by stirring up a backlash from others, these Christians would be able to achieve "I'm hated because of you" status in God's eyes There might even be brownie points awarded. Maybe the bumper sticker is just an opportunity to get the hate flowing in their direction.

Or maybe these Christian insulters are trying to give others the opportunity they themselves desire. A chance to share the blessing with others. This is a chance for others to be hated as well. What's good for the goose might be good for the gander. If this hate is such a good thing, then maybe we should be spreading it around, to make all our gods happy (at least the ones who talk about being encouraged in the face of being hated for affiliation with them).

I think Jesus was most brutal to the religious leaders that condemned other people's sins and energetically pointed out other people's wrong beliefs, while ignoring their own. I think that Jesus was trying to warn of tough times ahead for certain beliefs, not to teach his followers how to inflame hate in others. We do such a good job of that on our own.

Here's an idea. Maybe these bumper sticker believers should put signs on their vehicles outlining their own sins and wrong beliefs. I don't know if that would invoke hate. Others might just drive by in disgust.

Does disgusting others count in the hate category? I don't know. I guess I'll have to keep searching my Bible for that one.

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