Monday, June 05, 2006

Moving on

When do you decide to move on? In a relationship, in a job, with a vehicle, when do you make the choice that you are done sinking energy and resources into it?

A number of years ago we had an Aerostar van. It was such a comfortable vehicle to drive. It just kept breaking down. It was $400 to this place, $1,000 to another shop. Finally it was $475 in car repairs and the cost of a motel room because I couldn't get home. We had to make the decision that we were done with the repairs. The cost was moving past the benefits we were receiving from the vehicle.

I remember when my therapy job was winding down. I drove the streets where over 10 years I had worked with clients. I wondered about the impact that I had and how it could so easily go away when the funding ran out. I felt so empty, and used. It took me a while to realize the good that I had done, and the impact I had had in so many families. That couldn't be taken away, even if they took the job away. I started feeling better about what had happened. I was able to move on.

I keep wondering if I am meant to stay put where I am or anticipate change. Should I play the game of positioning myself so I don't get caught. Looking seems to take so much energy. It is more comfortable to remain with the status quo.

I had a friend who played that game with girlfriends and jobs. He always had irons in the fire, so if one dropped, he could grab another. He was one of the more guarded people I have known.

One thing that I do know for sure, He leads me beside the still waters and the green pastures. I don't have to fear as He is with me. It is so good to know that someone else is leading, and can see much further than me. If changes come, I can simply look up and ask where I step next.

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