Saturday, March 07, 2009

In debt

(This is a post that I wrote a month ago. I thought I posted it, but realized today that I hadn't. In reading through the verbiage, I think it still has relevance today.)

A student of mine had to leave school because their spouse was laid off and this person had to go and get a job. The student makes the sacrifice. Day after day that story is repeated with peoples' lives getting torn apart and people have to make sacrifices to survive. In the month of January 2009 news sources report that 552,000 jobs have been lost. How the little people suffer when at the top, greed is not restrained.

And then I read of companies carrying on like there is no pain in our country. Wells Fargo is the latest to pull back plans from a junket in Las Vegas because of media exposure. Not because they feel any responsibility for the billions the government has given them to bail their sorry butts off! Nope. They pull back because of the negative publicity it generated.

I am angry! How dare they? Our government is saddling us with mountains of debt with or without our permission,  to keep these banks solvent. And when money is thrown at the banks from the tax payers in peril of losing their own jobs, to mitigate the crisis, they act like complete ingrates. They may may be aware of their massive monetary debt, but appear to be completely ignoring a massive debt of gratitude.

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