President Obama says in selling his stimulus package, "if we don't move swiftly to put this plan in motion, our economic crisis could become a national catastrophe!"
In response Michael Steele, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee says "Democrats have controlled both branches of government for less than a month. And you have to wonder if all that power has gone to their heads. For the last two weeks, they have been trying to force a massive spending bill through Congress under the guise of economic relief."
These statements were taken from the internet source:
Have we not learned anything from the last election? The country was voting for change. I don't see change here. What I see is politicians betting on our memory being short. I was hoping things could turn around with President Obama. I was taking a chance. I realize that it is quite soon to be too judgmental on progress but the road signs for the future don't look hopeful.
President Obama you say "catastrophic!" Is that your message of hope? (Thanks to Charles Krauthammer for this in "The Fierce Urgency of Pork", By Charles Krauthammer, Friday, February 6, 2009; A17 Washington Post) Is this how you are changing the dialogue in Washington? It sounds like what we went through the last 8 years. In fact that was almost the SAME verbage President Bush uttered in selling us on TARP!
Michael Steele, is this how the RNC is going to deal with the present administration? Hurl insults into the Democratic camp and hope it sticks. You talk about irresponsible spending on the part of the Democrats. And yet it was your Republican president who threw almost a TRILLION dollars with very little oversight into TARP bank bail-out. We were told we had to do it or the consequences will be disastrous. Your accusations sound a bit hypocritical.
I voted for President Obama. I do not regret my vote. I don't think Senator McCain, if elected, would have done anything substantially different. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are starting to look identical. I also fear that our politicians are as careless and clueless as the CEOs of the banks they bailed out.
Maybe the first order of business of our elected leaders should be to fan across the country interviewing the thousands that are out of work. Maybe lessons could be taken back to Capitol Hill from the unemployed who have had to greatly scale back their lives to survive, and won't be bailed out.
I'm fearing that I've been had. I have a sinking feeling that what we are looking at is business as usual... again.
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