Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Twilight sacrifice

My daughter and I have been reading through the "Twilight" series. While it is definitely teenage material, there have been some things that I really like about the series.

Tonight I saw the movie. I thought the book was much better, but it reminded me of one of the parts of the story I enjoyed. Self control.

The story is about a vampire, Edward Cullen, who falls madly in love with a girl who just moved into town from Phoenix, named Isabella. While the smell of her blood creates a strong desire in him, his love for her keeps him from devouring her, literally. Even though there are times when Bell wants to become a vampire to be with Edward forever, he doesn't get sucked (sorry) into doing something he believes will diminish her, and take away her life. Even if she appears willing to deal with the ramifications of the transformation to a vampire's life, Edward, who knows all too well the price to be paid, refuses to fulfill her wish. At the end of movie, Edward controls his lust and in sacrificing his intense desire, saves her life.

I know this is a leap, but what if teenage boys would be willing to control their lust, rather than mascarading it as love? What if boys were more concerned about protecting the one they loved rather than being urged to use protection? I wonder if it would have an effect on the teen pregnancy rate?

The sad reality is that Edward's noble sacrifice will most likely be missed by the boys watching the movie. They will most likely be attending the show to soften up the girl for maneuvers afterwards, while the girl waits to give her treasure to the boy she believes loves her.

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