Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Thoughts on the Ford funeral

Watching the funeral of President Ford, as the casket was brought to the steps of the cathedral, the bishop asked that the Lord Jesus Christ receive His child Gerald into His arms. Not Mr. President or any other title, just Gerald, God’s child. No matter what we have done in our lives, we are no more than children to God, and we are received to Himself as such.

President Bush walked Betty Ford down the isle. This is a woman imbued with so much power, truly a woman of substance.Walking down the isle she looked so small and frail. She walked with an air of dignity, but she was greatly diminished from the woman I remember at President Ford’s side.

Life slips away. From the dust we are made and to the dust we return. None of us escape it’s clutches no matter how powerful we may have been in our life.

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