Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dem's no joke

What's with these silly democrats. Kerry launched the giggles off a number of months ago, by offending the troops with his comment about if you're stupid you end up in Iraq, meaning "W". What a royal backfire.

Several days ago, Hillary was talking about her qualifications to run a war on terror and made a comment about knowing a bad and evil man. No reference to who it was but it sure looked like she was making a joke about her husband, even though she swears that she was talking about Bin Laden. Now today comes Biden, who is attempting to sound complimentary about Barak Obama, but is about as insulting and condescending as he can be.

It's as if they don't know how to be funny. Humor may be an elusive commodity. For many years the Dem's have been the self appointed champions of the downtrodden and the demoralized, while their rhetoric appears so arrogant and condescending.

I don't think they aren't trying to have people think they are funny. They are attempting to have people believe they're clever. What I don’t think they get is that clever usually isn't very funny.

Talking on the toilet

I was washing a cup out in the restroom where I work. One of the stalls had the door closed. I thought I heard talking. The water muted a lot of noise, but as I turned off the water and was drying the cup, I was privy (sorry for the pun) to one side of a conversation behind the tan steel door.

We have been invaded with cell phones, and I guess one can't assume that all will act responsibly. If you ever talk to me on a cell phone please have the decency to terminate the call if you are going into the bathroom, or let it go to voicemail if you are in the middle of a bathroom moment. I am a visual person, 'nuff said!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wow, it's been a while

I can't believe that it has been 26 days since my last post. Time has rushed by like wind. It's not that I have a shortage of opinions, but there have been events in my life which have sucked the energy out of me, removing the desire to continue. I would have a thought but it felt like too much energy to expend, to articulate it. And some thoughts I was not at liberty to share.

It feels like fighting a blizzard to get back. I've been away for a while. I'm back.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Playing the Lotto

At a convenience store a woman monopolized a counter as she scratched lotto tickets and purchased more. I had to awkwardly move around her to purchase my items. She didn’t move from her task. She was so focused on it that nothing else mattered.

Hope is a great thing. Hope helps us get through tough situations. Hope keeps dreams alive, the belief that we will prevail in the end.

Sometimes, however, hope in certain directions can be addictive. People can gamble for hours, even lose track of time. Some take over convenience store counters with the hope that their life will be better.

I’ve thought a lot about money lately. There is this belief that God is shining His favor on us if we have money. I don’t believe it. God is there whether we are rich or poor and He is providing His grace regardless of our financial situation.

We want to make ourselves better and we believe that if we have money, our life will be better. It may or may not. Money is nice to have, but there is a lot of life that can’t be bought with money, like a happy home or contentment.

I think what we need is perspective. It was said that the love of money is the root of evil. There is a prayer that states, “Lord, don’t make me so rich that I forget you, or so poor that I curse you. We might add, “or so narrow focused that in our hope for bettering ourselves we lose sight of not only You, but those around us.”

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Thoughts on the Ford funeral

Watching the funeral of President Ford, as the casket was brought to the steps of the cathedral, the bishop asked that the Lord Jesus Christ receive His child Gerald into His arms. Not Mr. President or any other title, just Gerald, God’s child. No matter what we have done in our lives, we are no more than children to God, and we are received to Himself as such.

President Bush walked Betty Ford down the isle. This is a woman imbued with so much power, truly a woman of substance.Walking down the isle she looked so small and frail. She walked with an air of dignity, but she was greatly diminished from the woman I remember at President Ford’s side.

Life slips away. From the dust we are made and to the dust we return. None of us escape it’s clutches no matter how powerful we may have been in our life.


Watching the funeral for President Ford it is troubling to hear the press bemoaning the polarized climate in Washington. Many times I have witnessed the press taking the position of egging two sides on. It can create more news.

The press does not bear total responsibility. Polarizing has worked for politicians, to sell a certain idea, or agenda. But it is really offensive to me to hear them lamenting it, as if they were innocent bystanders.