Friday, October 13, 2006

Confronted by a mystery

On my walk today a little critter lay expired on the path. It’s unclear as to what it died from. It Watching a documentary on Hurricane Katrina, there was footage of bodies floating and bloating in the toxic waters of New Orleans,

How can it end? I have such a hard time comprehending that. One minute I am alive and active. The next minute i am not and rather quickly you need to separate yourself from my body.

There are shows on how to catch fish, shoot game. The animal or fish is alive and then it is not. A pheasant is shot, flounders to the ground where a dog snatches it up in it’s mouth. We watch carnivores grab their next meal.

Humans around the world successfully kill people around them. Children and adults open fire in schools and students are killed execution style.

Death is a mystery. I don’t understand it and I don’t want to understand it. It frightens me. And yet, like a slap in the face, all around us there are steady reminders on TV, in print, on the internet, and on the walking ends.

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