Martin Buber in his book “I and Thou” describes the relationship between I-thou and I-it and dialogue with the external world. “I-thou” is a relationship with another living being, based on mutuality, openness and directness, which is true dialogue. Not only is “I-Thou” a relationship between man and the world, but also man and the eternal source of the world. God can be known though the subjective view of the universe.
In “I-It” relationships partners are not equal. The relationship is one of coming to a greater understanding of the physical, objective knowledge. “I-It” relationships are absent of the “I-Thou” qualities. “I-It” relationships are important because that understanding is necessary for interacting with “I-thou”.
A lot has changed from 1923 when “I-Thou” was written. In our generation there is now “I-Pod”. What is amazing about this third relationship is that while it is part of the “I-It” objective world, it also starts creeping into “I-Thou” realm. “I-Pod” is encased energy of our choosing. It is our own reality in an accessible container.
One way to illustrate this is that there are many documented cases of people who are having “relationships with their “I-Pod”. It is becoming a necessary traveling companion and at our fingertips we are able to access much of what defines us. Our music, our audio books, our pictures, our videos are all contained in this tiny machine. In a sense it becomes a container for energy that is specific to us. And through this relationship with the "I-Pod" our minds have the opportunity to be expanded, and can create growth.
However, the direction of our growth is contained in the "seeds" we have placed in that tiny little pod.